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Pittsburgh at Houston

August 10, 2006
img8:05 PM Eastern
Premium Pick
4 units on Houston -215 (moneyline) (risk 4 to return 5.86)

14-1. Not bad last night. We got the win with Houston as it just didn't seem fair to have the worst road team in the league facing Roy Oswalt. It wasn't fair. Tonight it gets worse, if you can believe it, for Pittsburgh. The Pirates now face Roger Clemens. Oh my! The Pirates are now 14-44 on the road scoring 3.9 per game. And they are 5-18 away from home vs. division opponents and 1-15 on the road after 3 straight division games. Clemens has a 2.32 ERA giving up just 14 earned runs in 54 innings pitched thus far. He actually has a losing record thanks to very little run support in his starts. But, Houston is actually scoring right now. They pounded in two touchdowns worth last night and are averaging 6.6 per game over their last seven. No wonder they have won six of eight. Clemens and the surging Astros vs. the worst road team in the league here.


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