I fell for it…
It was 1990. I was in college and I couldn’t resist what I was hearing.
“I’ve won 20 games in a row. I have inside information which is why I hit over 80% long-term. This next pick is the biggest of my career and it can’t lose! Just call 900…”
I was roped in. I fell for the bullshit. Ugh. 😤
I learned quickly that the guy on the radio was all hype and no substance. No one hits 80%, or 70% or even 60% long term. There are no locks. The promise of inside information is a marketing ploy.
It was a painful and expensive lesson, but I’m glad I learned it early.
Getting duped led me to my career.
While I hated the scamdicappers yelling at me on the radio and TV, I loved winning at sports betting so I decided I’d get great at making picks for myself. Which is what I did.
And I found out I was damn good at it. World class, actually.
When I decided to bet on myself by selling my advice, I vowed to be different than the guys I saw doing this back in college.
I decided to commit to transparency by showing every single one of my picks on my website, never hiding a single one.
I committed to always being honest about how much I would really be able to win, even if that meant not selling as much.
And of course I shunned the idea of any kind of “boiler room” sales team. Instead, I would show people how I win, for free. If they liked what they saw, then the sales would follow.
Also, I decided that I would do more than just sell picks. I’d also educate on how to win, including the ins-and-outs of bankroll management, how to make picks, how to set realistic expectations and how to understand the math side of things.
…because making good picks is just one piece of a much larger puzzle.
Unlike the unscrupulous marketers who relied on an ever present flow of new suckers (like me in college), my goal from day one has been to build life-long relationships with people who want to win more, even if they never buy anything from me.
Twenty-two years and over 405,066 subscribers later, I’m proud of what I’ve been able to do.
I’ve created a place where people can learn about sports betting for free, by simply reading a free email while sipping their coffee each morning.
And I’ve shown you don’t need to be a used car salesman to have success in the sports predictions business. Every single pick I’ve sold (over 7.1 million of them so far) was sold without resorting to hype or overpromising.
If you make your own picks and have success, great!
However, if you don’t want to invest the time and energy into becoming a winning sports bettor yourself, but you still want to feel the thrill of victory more often, then get my free picks. I’ve had people receiving my free picks email newsletter for over 24 years and you are welcome to join them for as long as you want for free.
I’ll never pressure you to buy or promise you a lock or can’t-lose pick, because they can all lose.
Instead I promise dedication, skill, knowledge and honesty. And, in the long-term I will help you win more than you do now.
If you’re one of the thousands of people who have already chosen me to help you win more, thank you. If you’re not, then I invite you to try a premium package today.