Moneylines are a way of wagering on sporting events different from the point spread. All you're betting on is who wins the game. And with no ties in college basketball, a Moneyline bettor is going to win or lose. But it's not a 50/50 payoff. A 6-and-a-half-point favorite will be around minus-200 on the Moneyline, meaning you lay $200 to win $100 if the favorite wins the game.

Backing the underdog on the Moneyline in that example at +180 means you get back $180 on a $100 bet - provided the underdog pulls the upset. Underdogs happen all the time in college basketball. If you doubt that, go back and look at any recent NCAA March Madness tournament bracket. It may surprise you how many dogs - even double-digit ones - ended up winning straight up.

Why Use Free College Basketball Moneyline Picks

A successful bettor making a moneyline play needs to put the odds in their favor before approaching the wagering window. That means getting armed by studying pregame information. Stats are a starting point, but other factors can be even more important, such as situations, injuries, coaching, or college basketball home/road splits.

You have to make an assessment if the underdog has a reasonable chance to win a game, or that the math makes wagering on the moneyline favorite better than attempting the point spread. Preparing means reading as much as you can, including the free NCAA Basketball Moneyline Picks advice from a betting professional.

Betting Value in Free College Basketball Moneyline Picks

Moneyline underdogs are plus-money offer the best betting value outside of parlays. The difference is, with parlays, two or more teams all have to cover or you lose. With a Moneyline underdog, you cash if that lone team wins.

There are times when there is value with the Moneyline favorite, as well. That might be if a 3-point favorite has dropped down on the moneyline because of action on the underdog, pushing the Moneyline favorite from minus-140 to minus 125, for example.

The keys to this are paying attention to line movement as well as shopping for the best numbers at multiple sports books. Odds shopping makes a big difference over the course of a season to help increase your bankroll.

Wunderdog Free College Basketball Moneyline Picks

I'm on the lookout all day long studying information, analyzing game matchups, and scanning line movement. It's necessary to do all those things to identify the right games with the best chances of cashing winning tickets. You can tap into that experience and expertise by examining my Free NCAA Basketball Moneyline Picks. Those are plays that I not only release to my clients but wager on personally.

Free College Basketball Moneyline Picks vs. Premium Picks

Free NCAA Basketball Moneyline Picks Pros:

  • Saves you hours of time with someone else doing all the research
  • The pros see money pouring in that can make Moneyline's the superior wagering value
  • No money lost on your end while receiving valuable handicapping information

Free NCAA Basketball Moneyline Picks Cons:

  • A seasoned professional bettor shouldn't be giving out a majority of moneyline favorites
  • Don't tilt, which means panicking chasing money. It's already gone, so remain calm and look forward
  • Exaggerated winning percentages and excess hype are signs the handicappers aren't professional bettors

Premium Picks Pros:

  • Allows you to see both sides of the betting window with insight and the reasons for line movement
  • Well thought out correlated moneyline parlays increase your bankroll faster
  • Premium selections can have access to unique gameday info that isn't widely available to average bettors

Premium Picks Cons:

  • It can detract from your betting bankroll: paying for plays plus wagering on them
  • Uncertainty of the websites won/lost record and reputation
  • Betting can detract from the enjoyment you get from following and viewing sports

How To Win With Free NCAA Basketball Moneyline Picks

Winning at sports betting is all about being prepared each day. Get armed with information, examine the odds, and make a play. Like anything else, it's a long process as the more you do it, the more layers of skill and expertise you add.

One of several ways to get armed with information is by adding free NCAA basketball picks to your daily handicapping repertoire. It not only provides data you may have overlooked or were to busy to look for, but provides the best Moneyline picks along with the reasons why.

Free College Basketball Moneyline Picks Betting Strategy

Lower Scoring Matchups

The best moneyline wagers are when the underdog wins the game. The returns on a +150 or +220 Moneyline dog that pulls the upset quickly bolsters your betting bankroll. The catch is to put the odds in your favor to identify likely chances when that is possible. One way is to look for low-scoring games.

A great defensive team with a head coach that prefers to slow things down has a chance to be in every game when not favored. They may lose by scores like 59-52 or 51-48, but they're in it all the way. And there will be plenty of times when the game is tied in the final minutes and they make a clutch bucket or the opponent loses its best player due to an injury or fouling out.

The pressure intensifies on the favorite if they fall behind late, putting another checkmark in the potential upset box. It could even come down to free throw shooting and suddenly that underdog has the late advantage. Even big underdogs are capable of hanging in there with great defense. A high profile, run-and-gun college basketball team that averages 80 points per game might be a 16-point favorite over a small school in non-conference or tournament action.

But if the small program slows things down and focuses on defense, it could be a 25-23 game at the half or tied late, setting the stage for a big dog to pull the surprise - and for MoneyLine underdog bettors to cash a whopping payday.

Home Versus Road Splits

College athletics often feature stark differences in team wins and losses at home compared to on the road. Atmosphere is a part of it, with the home fans cheering the team on while booing the opposition. But it's more than that. College athletes are younger than professional players, sometimes by as much as 10 years. That's a big gap. A 10-year NBA player has been playing in front of hostile crowds for 10 years along with a few years in college.

That develops confidence and helps an athlete block things out on the road. College athletes have far less experience and the time to build up confidence, so road play can have a negative impact on their games. In one recent college basketball campaign, Tulsa was .500 at home (8-8) but 1-10 straight up on the road. That same season, Saint Joseph had a winning home mark (9-7) but was 1-10 on the opponent's home court.

So, a MoneyLine bettor can find wagering advantages in backing them at home, especially as a home underdog, and fading or passing when they head out on the road. Situations can play into it, as well. If a team has a lousy three-game road trip getting blown out all three times, they can come home and win the game in an undervalued Moneyline spot.

Moneyline Odds Shopping

Shop till you drop! Savvy sports bettors don't rely on one sportsbook. They shop around for variance on games they are about to back. If you can get minus-4 as a favorite instead of minus-6, take it. If you can get +220 on a Moneyline underdog instead of +190, it's more money when they pull the upset. Finding those potential upsets is the key, as I mentioned. But don't stop there. Finding the best numbers is also a huge element.

Over the course of a week or a season, the extra money you've accrued by shopping for the best odds adds up. After all, the whole purpose is to incrementally increase your betting bankroll. Wins and losses do that - but looking for the better odds, even a little better - augments it too.

Free College Basketball Moneyline Picks Subscription

The right mixture of information, betting experience, and locking into the best odds are the ways to make money wagering. My NCAA Basketball Moneyline Picks contain everything you need to improve your game. The plays are there, the reasons why, along with the correct money management wagering advice.

You can get these selections via a subscription service at no cost. If you're in it to win-it, as I am, take advantage and start building your handicapping knowledge along with your budding bankroll.

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